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All audio clips copyright (c) 2000 Emile Jumean
Due to certain difficulties, I have had
to find a new location to store my Whoser Con
audio clips. I have decided to use the site MyPlay to store my
MP3's. If you wish to listen
to them, here are the instructions you need to get to the
1. Go to the site http://www.myplay.com
2. Enter as e-mail address: mochrie99@hotmail.com
3. Enter as password: whosercon
4. Click on the button marked "Locker"
You can listen to the files directly
from on-line or download them to your own computer as
you see fit. Just make sure to sign out (by clicking on the
"Sign Out" button near the top
of the screen) when you're finished. Hope you enjoy our Improv
The Earth is being sucked into a giant black hole! Join Pendulum
Man (Brian), with his super friends
Drunken Bastard (Alan), Dancing All The Time Lady (Sue B), Man
Who Loves To Touch Himself All
The Time (Erik), and 70's Dance Man (Jeffy B), as they try to
solve this crisis!
Quick Change
Tracy is explaining the birds and the bees to Jeff K, and Emile
yells "Change!" to make
them change what they say. (Finally added after an 11 month
wait!! :-)
Number Of Words
Nick, Lynn and Carol act out the scene of a mother looking for
her kids in the mall. Lynn speaks in 2
words sentences, Carol speaks in 3 word sentences, and Nick
speaks in 5 word sentences.
Film & Theatre
Sue B and Emile act out a scene of consoling a friend whose
boyfriend broke up with her. Styles used
included Greek Tragedy, South Park, Love Story, 7th Day
Adventists, German Porn and Slapstick.
Questions Only
Rob, Nick, Melissa and Jill act out the scene of a travelling
salesperson trying to make a sale,
speaking only in questions.
World's Worst
Joe, Emile, Jules and Jeffy B come up with examples of the
world's worst person to be your psychologist.
Party Quirks
Lauren is the host of the party, Kath is an inept investigative
reporter, Erik is the cast of Rocky and
Bullwinkle and Steph is Captain Hair as the president of the Hair
Club for Men.
Quick Change
Rob and lisa act out the scene of two people caught in the path
of a tornado. Thomas yells "Change!"
to make them change what they say..
Three-Headed Broadway
Lauren, Alan and Nick perform the love song from the musical
"The Lost City Of Atlantis".
Scenes From A Hat
Steph, Jeff K, Jill and Steph tackle the following scenes: When
the Easter Bunny finally snaps, Hockey
players playing baseball, Reasons why Drew and Mimi shouldn't get
married, What Hell looks like,
The wrong way to propose marriage, A seance has gone wrong,
Things you never expect a mechanic
to say, Career moves doomed to fail, Person least likely to be
prime minister or president, The 11th and
12th Commandments, Odd prizes to get from a Crane Game machine,
On the 13th day of Christmas..., What
the performers really think about us, Unusual things to find in
your lunchbox, The world's biggest asshole.
Foreign Film Dub
Jules and Brian act out, in Albanian, the scene of a nude model
and painter. Jill and Rob provide the
translation into English.
Party Quirks
Tracy is the host of the party, Sue B is a boxing kangaroo, Kath
is a pickpocket and Jeffy B is the
entire cast of Sesame Street.
Three-Headed Broadway
Rob, Emile and Jeffy B perform the song "The Day I Got
Intravenous", from the musical "Nurses",
and a new euphamism is born!
Scenes From A Hat
Emile, Brian, Jules and Jeffy B act out the following scenes:
Father's Day gifts Dad wouldn't enjoy,
People who should not dance the Macarena, Smokers on a 13-hour
non-smoking flight, When vicars
attack, Jokes without a punchline, Famous last words not found in
the history books, Diets that are
bound to fail, What you don't want to read in the will, Carnival
rides that never have long lines, How
you got to the Whose Line Con, Other nicknames for the toilet, If
life was like a video game.
Press Conference
lisa is the person giving the conference, while Kath, Erik and
Sue B are the media asking her questions.
lisa has successfully cloned all of the Whose Line contestants.
Weird Newscasters
Sue B is the normal anchorperson, Joe is her co-anchor who is the
world's dumbest man, Jules is the sports
presenter who loses control of her bodily functions, and Emile is
the weatherman who is a mama's boy.
Questions Only
lisa, Carol, Lynn and Thomas act out the scene "the morning
after", speaking in questions.
Film & Theatre
Jeff K and Kath act out a scene of someone meeting their
mail-order bride -- and Jeff is the bride! Styles
used included Cartoon, Sci-Fi, Cooking Show, Monster Flick, Monty
Python and The Teletubbies.
Party Quirks
Lauren is the host of the party, lisa thinks the host is
invisible, Joe is a New York City cab driver,
and Steph is obsessed with Twiglets.
The Puppet Hoedown
(Unedited Version)
The Puppet Hoedown (Edited Version)
Sue B, Rob, Alan and Jeff K perform the Puppet
Hoedown, with yours truly providing a feeble
impression of Richard Vranch on the keyboard. I included both an
edited version where all the
mistakes, etc. are snipped out, and the full unedited scene with
all the mistakes, etc. intact.
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